Monday 4 January 2010
Dream: I am back
working at Texas Homecare
in Clacton. The guy now running the branch is my old boss at Baker Street. During the dream I notice something that I
had written
there when I worked at the store back in 1996 and it is almost haunting to see
that my mark has remained. Later in the
dream while I try to go to the toilet in the place the new boss storms in
vocally and while as a result of this I am no longer able to piss he shouts
over to me not to be shy. Bolshy cunt.
Eventually I emerge
from a disturbed nights sleep feeling disgruntled by this dream and apparent
lack of slumber.
As I leave this
morning my car is heavily frozen off the back of a chilled night. It takes a while to get it all scraped off
but soon I am driving to the station with view to getting the working year
Unsurprisingly when I
get to the station the trains are fucked due to overrunning engineering works
between Stratford
and Liverpool
Street, presumably the same engineering works that meant trains weren’t
going to Liverpool Street last week.
How fucking Mickey Mouse can one organisation be? I would have put money on the trains not
working properly this morning as the Christmas
hangover carries through into the beginning of the New Year proper. Suddenly all the good work of relaxation
done over the past few weeks begins to undo.
Eventually a train
turns up (the 6.59AM) but as a couple of trains worth of people are now trying
to get on it all in all it just serves to make it a crowded, over busy wanker train. Fortunately somehow I manage to get a decent
seat but then a seat cruiser attempts to plop himself next to me despite there
being an abundance of spare seats currently on this train. As I refuse to move, budge and accommodate
him he takes the hint and decides to sit elsewhere. Did the fucking fruit fancy me or something?
Jimmy waits until Shenfield to
inform us that the train will now be ending at Stratford, which is something by
this point I was now suspecting.
Frustratingly however as we near Stratford Information Jimmy then
changes his mind and announces now that the train will be going through to
Liverpool Street after all. Is this how
National Express wins
people over, gains their hearts and minds, by under promising and over
delivering? I refuse to be fooled.
After this unnecessary
dog and pony show the train eventually trawls into London at 8.10AM. Whatever happened to starting as you intend
to go on? If that is the case then 2010 is going to be a shitty year
for us commuters. I pity the extras.
Finally I board a tube
and as I sit down I notice a discard banana skin left on the seat which
thoroughly fucking disgusts, far beyond the point it should do. Yikes I am truly OCD boy today.
As the tube passes
through Kings
Cross I notice just how insane my hair looks this morning. Jesus, how did I get this far into my
journey looking so wild and crazy? Why
hasn’t anybody shouted and hurled abuse at me?
Oh yeah, I remember this is London, haven of the whack job with crazy
features including mad hair. With a red
face I attempt to pat it down with licked fingers but it working, this wig is
not flattening down.
When I step into work
it is to a chorus of “happy new year” from anyone that crosses my path. Rather than respond “what’s happy about
it?”, as much I would like, I reciprocate the gesture with a verbal high five. Am I happy to be back at work at this
time? Its OK, I don’t mind, this year I
at least feel as if I had a decent break and now am rejuvenated to some
degree. Basically today I am in a
fairly good mood, confident in and about 2010.
In contrast as I ask
around how other people’s holidays were
both the IT Guy and The Girl complain about their experiences seemingly
suffering from stress at the hands of their families and loved ones. Perhaps having a small family has its
benefits after all. Ultimately it
sounds as if my holiday was the only one without drama. Oh, the Filipino had a good one also. High five.
I have come to the
conclusion that the key to the start of my year exuberance is the fact that it
is beginning without having a female in my life making it a misery. Last year it was my
American Friend, the year before that was Zoë,
the year before that it was Catherine and before that it was Sharon. This year no such problems or issues. Batter up!
Slowly I get into the
rhythm of the day and start working again.
Throughout the day I touch base with various people, wishing them a
happy new year in the process.
Today I make tentative
plans to meet up at Holland Park
but as with the end of the last year, again there seem to be various obstacles
and difficulties attached to meeting up.
Is there something up there I wonder.
As lunch arrives I
request salmon but get denied on that option so instead I grab sausage and
beans instead. Not very mature and not
the best of ideas following a week and a half now of eating unhealthily (even
more so than usual).
The Girl announces today
how her boyfriend has been getting her to watch The Wire recently. There was me thinking it was all highbrow
and over the heads of such people but now her she is naming characters and
their actions at me. Now I guess the
show is officially overground and too popular to be namedropped anymore. People ruin everything.
I continue through the
afternoon at an acceptable pace still reacclimatising to work after the Christmas
break before eventually spluttering to a halt.
When 5.30PM eventually comes around it arrives with a sense of relief.
Tonight I board my
first 6.20PM Norwich
train of the year and head home to happiness.
The train is full of morons this
evening, people with luggage which then comes to a head as I nearly trip over
some dickhead who has placed his briefcase in the carriage aisle.
On the train tonight I
spot Epiphany
Girl for the first time in ages.
She looks well, attractive as ever.
As the journey
progresses the lights of our carriage flicker disrupting the Rowland Rivron lookalike
sat opposite me as he attempts to read his Irvine
Welsh book. In the long run the
malfunctioning train is probably doing him a favour from preventing him from
reading it.
Upon arrival back into
I find myself met with a frozen car which proves a real ache to sort out in
this cold. When I eventually pull off
my view is still somewhat restricted as the windscreen smears up.
Tonight I head to Asda with view to
getting a new Freeview box. In the end I buy a cheap Goodmans one that
apparently saves on power. Its not as
if I am exactly spoilt for choice in purchasing this product.
On the way home I stop
by the parents at Balkerne Heights
where I am greeted by the sight of a clamped car in the visitors spot. Ironically elsewhere on the complex there
are cars spread out everywhere not in marked parking spots/bays. Regardless the paranoia of getting clamped
means that my visit is only a fleeting one as I collect my Christmas booty and
head back to Bohemian Grove.
Back home inspiration
hits me on the writing
front as I quickly nail three Facebook
Cull entries in one breath.
At 10PM Nurse Jackie begins on
BBC2 and immediately I am a big fan of the show. After the episode ends Celebrity Big Brother is already through
its show on Channel Four and it is boring already. This is not going to be a vintage year.
I fall asleep.
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