Thursday, 28 May 2009

Thursday 28 May 2009

Dream: annoyingly I forget what the dream was this morning but I do remember it was pretty explicit in a topical manner/fashion. Dare I say this means it contained elements that relate to work past and present as it dominates me life so much these days.

I feel exhausted this morning. To be honest there is no real reason why fatigue should be any worse than usual but it is a pulsing tiredness this morning reserved for only the best occasions I guess.

On a brighter note the train is roomy this morning despite some weird girl taking “my” seat. As the train trawls through the various stations from Colchester to Liverpool Street happily I do not find myself being squished by my fellow commuters.

This morning I find myself thinking about Song Of The South and Uncle Remus. The train of thought here comes from thinking about Disney movies originating from thinking about their version of Treasure Island from thinking about pirates and the Tank Riot episode I listened to last night.

Song Of The South is one of those fabled “banned” movies that now in the digital age everyone has seen. The Uncle Remus character is legendary, everybody knows the “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” song but most people don’t actually know where it comes from. It is strange to think that in this day and age there is still such a movie in existence and I have to concede when I watched it early last year in a depressed state it did remove and take me back to some kind of childish mind state and the racial connotations were completely lost on me, Uncle Remus the stereotype just appears as some kind of bubbly old black grandfather figure as opposed to some kind of Uncle Tom. It is strange what people find offensive.

Today the train pulls into Liverpool Street at 8AM in a rare gesture of being on time. Hopefully this is the sign of good things laid ahead.

As I board the tube it is with a Marina Sirtis lookalike, which reminds me that I haven’t finished watching Green Street 2 yet. This is probably for the better.

Elsewhere on the tube as I look up from writing note on my iPhone I see a man with a mechanical hand reading a newspaper and it genuinely freaks me out. Fortunately I stop short of screaming, as my impulses tell me to do. It begs the question: what happened?

Looking at the poor bastard’s arm this reaction reminds me of the time at work that we convinced The Girl that Stephen Hawking was actually a Doctor Who baddie and her reaction to a picture of him on Google was “ugh, that’s sick” said without a shred of irony. I swear this girl should be transplanted to America, those would be her people.

At work it is another very busy day. I would like to think that one day we will have all duties done but for now it feels like we are all in it for the long haul. Maybe I’ll be able to book a holiday and some time off when the dust settles and I cease being so fucking important (as if).

It of course does not help when it would seem/appear that my bosses do not distinguish between a set of P&Ls and a full set of accounts. Doing a set of month accounts in three days I cannot do a full complete set of balance sheet reconciliations also. Give me a break.

Despite this the work only continues to mount up as more eyes are cast over what is an incomplete set of figures. I am used to this way of working by now but when a couple of people suddenly decide to interrogate the wages treatment after six months of using this method perhaps a time in which we are not so under the cosh with the bank would be better. Perhaps this is not really the time to suddenly become/get picky.

As a result of the work being as ever rushed I cannot say that I am 100% happy or confident with the figures. Oh well, at least the powers that be are not breaking my balls over them (at the moment).

For lunch I have king prawns and cous cous – this is at least slightly healthy right?

The Girl is paranoid that the IT Guy has put a program on our computers that records our web visits and for a few minutes she manages to make me paranoid about this also. This dose of fear comes from the reality that internet usage is now being monitor at various sites but realistically any IT department is always going to be able to record which sites people go to. The Girl is just worried that her Sims-esqe garden she runs on Facebook Tamagotchi style might be discovered (as if we don’t know about it already).

Tonight I work a little late and end up leaving at 5.50, which isn’t fun. Despite this it still looks like I am going to catch a decent train home. That is until the tube stalls between Barbican and Moorgate. Are these the powers of Szesze beckoning me?

In the end I catch the 6.30 Norwich train and sit next to a man rocking two mobile phones. Never ever trust a man with two mobile phones. The first person I ever met with two mobile phones was some kind of prostitute. One for business, one for pleasure, all for shagging. Then one of his phones rings and it has a Benny Hill ringtone. Fucking idiot.

As I look to my right I notice a guy watching something on his iPhone featuring Hesh from The Sopranos along with Denis Leary and it genuinely/really annoys me that I don’t know what it is. A Google search later and it turns out that it is Rescue Me, the TV show in which Leary is haunted by the ghost of Bill Hicks I believe. With this knowledge I feel less annoyed.

When I get home it is in anticipation of the latest tourettes syndrome documentary on BBC1 featuring John Davidson of John’s Not Mad. Of course watching these documentaries comes with a high degree of being mean spirited and as things get emotion on the programme they also become quite boring. You can’t help feel for John Davidson though, he was the pioneer but now it seems everybody is getting in on this tourettes syndrome documentary lark. They are the Bush to his Nirvana.

Its always tickled me slightly that the guy is from Galashiels as that is/was where Roger and Dawn Of The Replicants were from. Damn I miss that guy.

After scraping out a bit of writing while distracted away from the documentary I head to bed bored. I need a girlfriend.

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